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Christians on the Warpath

Tuesday, Jan. 12, 2010 3:57 AM

Add former presidential candidate Mike Huckabee to the list of 'experts' who think we should subject failed terrorist Umad Farouk Abdulmutallab to military-style interrogation - which, in Huckabee's mind, includes re-packing Abdulmutallab's shorts full of PETN and threatening to really set it off unless he talks.

That's torture, Mr. Huckabee. It's against the law and a war crime under an international treaty to which we are signatory.

That we've succumbed to fear is bad enough. Now we're sliding pell-mell towards barbarism, led by professed Christians.

Former Oakland A's and St. Louis Cardinals slugger Mark McGwire came forward and finally admitted that he'd used steroids, but did not specify if he'd been doping during his quest for a record-breaking 70 home runs in a single season.

If you're going to apologize, apologize. If you're going to weasel ...

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