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'24' Hour News Cycle

Monday, Jan. 04, 2010 3:50 AM

Fact: torture, including the technique called waterboarding, is illegal. It violates international treaty and federal law.

Yet FOX News asked its viewers (via Rasmussen) whether or not failed terrorist Umad Farouk Abdulmutallab should be waterboarded, and 58% of their responding audience said YES.

There's something fundamentally wrong there, both with a news organization that asks this kind of question, and a segment of the populace that endorses torture.

FOX News anchorman Brit Hume has advice for Tiger Woods: convert to Christianity, because, "I don't think (Buddhism) offers the kind of redemption and forgiveness offered by the Christian faith. My message to Tiger is, 'Tiger turn to the Christian faith and you can make a total recovery and be a great example to the world.'"

Ah, Christianity. The faith professed by men like Gov. Mark Sanford, who tried to whitewash his adultery by casting himself as King David. Whose efforts to reconcile himself with his wife consisted of talking about how 'the passion' had gone out of their marriage, and how he really had the hots for his Argentinian mistress.

Redemption and forgiveness. Sanctity of marriage. Right.

Dubai is celebrating its new skyscraper, a 2600-foot tower that is double the height of the Sears Tower in Chicago.

And, despite heightened security, it strikes me as ironic that a Middle Eastern country builds world-record shattering towers while other nations have to wrestle with fears that terrorists will slam planes into theirs.

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