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War Criminals and Idiots

Wednesday, Dec. 30, 2009 3:50 AM

Nothing underscores the incompetence of the Bush Administration as former advisor Karl Rove opining that Umad Farouk Abdulmatallab should be treated as an enemy combatant (i.e., shipped off to Gitmo and waterboarded) as opposed to, as FOX's Sean Hannity described it, 'some guy who knocked over a 7-11.'

Because We All Know these clowns are so powerful and so dangerous that everything we stand for just isn't good enough.

Not far behind Karl is Pat Buchannan, who suggested that medical treatment and pain medication - seeing as Abdulmatallab inflicted burns upon a sensitive part of his anatomy in the failed attempt to blow stuff up - should be withheld until Abdulmatallab talks.

Except Abdulmatallab couldn't wait to spill the beans, immediately confessing that he was connected to al-Qaeda and that they were responsible for the whole thing and that there are legions of the faithful willing to strap high explosives to their nuts and get aboard planes.

And then there's Senator Jim DeMint (R-South Carolina), who's been flapping his gums about how Obama wanting to unionize TSA workers would jeopardize our nation's security. Not only (to my knowledge) has President Obama has expressed no such intent (DeMint appears to be conflating Obama's support of the Employee Free Choice Act into this nonsense), it ignores that the first responders on 9/11 were union-represented police officers and firefighters, aided by union construction workers who stepped up to lend their tools and skills to the rescue/recovery efforts.

Meanwhile, President Obama's nominee as director of the TSA is being held up in Congress by a procedural hold. Who's responsible for jeopardizing our nation's security by leaving a key agency without a director?

That would be Senator Jim DeMint (R-South Carolina).

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