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Thursday, Dec. 03, 2009 3:55 AM

White House social secretary Desiree Rogers is refusing to testify before Congress in regards to the debacle of an uninvited, famewhoring couple getting into last week's State dinner honoring the Prime Minister of India.

Her excuse is that there's a long tradition of White House staff not testifying before Congress. Didn't we go through this asinine nonsense with the Bush Administration and various staffers defying subpeonas?

Really, if you're part of a system that was flawed enough to let the Salahi's through the gate, you need to step up and take your lumps. If you can't acknowledge your mistake and can't look at it knowing it's embarassing ... you can't fix it.

There's no issues of confidential information or national security at risk here, just a simple question: who checked the names of the guests, and why was a couple whose names were not on that list allowed to enter?

Seriously, folks - in order to fly nowadays, you have to show photo ID to get your boarding pass, after which you go through security screening, and after which you are still in an area that is monitored/patrolled.

Surely, an airport terminal is not more secure than the White House during a state dinner?

The Salahis are also refusing to testify, maintaining their bullshit story that they were invited - a fiction that has already been debunked.

Shame on you, Tiger Woods.

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