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Falcon's Flight?

Friday, Oct. 16, 2009 3:37 AM

So the airborne adventure of 6 year-old Falcon Heene turned out to be the invention of panicky parents and/or a lying sibling.

The young boy was feared to have been in a basket attached to a weather balloon as it drifted through the skies near their home in Colorado.

Falcon was later found hiding in a box - despite the house having been searched twice, and adamant statements from one of his brothers that he was definitely in the basket.

One wonders what kind of home life produces a six year-old child who successfully remains hidden when everyone is looking for him.

(Falcon's parents have twice appeared on the ABC show Wife Swap, which, IMNERSHO, is a piece of disgusting crap that shouldn't even be on the air. I don't hold people who would participate in this kind of sleazy entertainment in the highest regard.)

After it was revealed that one of their political analysts also represents AHIP, CNN is saying they will - in the future - make Alex Castellanos' ties to the insurance industry clear.

CNN is also refusing to air a legitimately-purchased ad decrying Lou Dobbs 'hate speech.'

In short, they really don't give a shit about lying to you, or putting racist/birther horseshit on the air.

Most trusted name in news, my ass.

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