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A Nobel Effort?

Friday, Oct. 09, 2009 3:47 AM

Senator Al Franken pushed through an amendment that would ban federal funds to defense contractors if those contractors in turn blocked employees' ability to sue in cases of sexual assault. The amendment reflects the circumstances of Jamie Leigh Jones, a KBR employee who was assaulted and then locked inside a shipping container when she tried to report being raped.

A number of Republicans voted against the amendment, with Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Alabama) calling it a 'political attack directed at Halliburton.'

Franken's amendment applies to all defense contractors.

And in a decision that will doubtless draw criticism from some quarters, President Obama has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for, "... "his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples."

It should be noted that by this time in George W. Bush's first term, we'd had a diplomatic dust-up with China, been attacked by terrorists, and had launched a war in Afghanistan.

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