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Rogues' Gallery?

Tuesday, Sept. 29, 2009 3:50 AM

Publisher HarperCollins has announced the title of former Vice-Presidential candidate Sarah Palin's autobiography.

It's "Going Rogue: An American Life," due for release in November - four months after the book deal was announced.

I imagine that the media, who Palin castigated for 'making stuff up,' will be doing a little fact-checking to see how Palin's wordsmithing stacks up.

For whatever reason, the publisher announced the title during Banned Books Week

Okay, so Iran apparently has a secret facility where they're enriching uranium for a potential weapons program. President Obama, along with French President Nicholas Sarkozy and British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, issued a stern warning at the G-20 summit in Pittsburgh.

Iran's response was to test-launch a series of missiles over the weekend.

While that has some folks like Sen. Jon Kyl and Sen. Kit Bond waxing poetic about 'regime change' in Iran,* let's keep our heads. The only reason you flaunt missiles is because you're daring America to strike first, after which you can claim to be the victim.

And, not to be left out, Kim Jong-Il issued a blustery, "Hey! I got missiles, too! HEY!"

*We did this with the Shah, and look how that turned out. We did this with Saddam, and that isn't working all that well. We did this with Afghanistan, and Pakistan as well. The classic definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

And while this isn't the only example of the genre, I thought this was particularly well done.

It's a one-take music video done by students at the Universite du Quebec.

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