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No Case

Thursday, Sept. 17, 2009 3:51 AM

A Johns Hopkins University found an intruder in his home the other night and struck the man with a samurai sword, killing him.

As expected, legal counsel for former BART Police officer Johannes Mehserle have filed a change-of-venue request, arguing that their client cannot possibly get a fair trial in Alameda County for the alleged murder of Oscar Grant during an altercation on New Year's Eve.

I'd just like to thank all the idiots who thought smashing windows and setting fire to police cars was going to stick it to the man.

An U.S. District Court judge has thrown out a case challenging Barack Obama's citizenship in relation to his authority as Commander-in-Chief, citing a lack of credible evidence.

Judge Clay Land also admonished the plaintiff's lawyer, none other than Orly Taitz, who has previously embarassed herself by promoting a slapdash Photoshop job as President Obama's Kenyan birth certificate. Land warned Taitz that she faces sanctions if she files a similar 'frivolous' lawsuit in his court.

Not sure what to make about the case of Najibullah Zazi, a Colorado man whose apartment was searched and items confiscated because ...

... he drove a rental car to New York.

... and because he had several cell phones, and We All Know cell phones are key components in bombs.

... and he's traveled to Pakistan and met with known al-Qaeda operatives. (Because al-Qaeda operatives never ever talk to anyone who isn't a terrorist, right?)

Of course, the FBI has been watching Zazi for some time now, but there's no credible evidence of a threat.

Zazi's lawyer points out that Zazi has not been taken into custody, has not been charged with any crime, and has been cooperating with federal authorities.

In a CBS News story on Zazi, a woman who lives in the neighborhood was fretting in goggle-eyed concern about terrorists! Right here in River City!

And they're conspiring with the monsters under your bed, too. Sheesh.

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