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Monday, Sept. 14, 2009 3:58 AM

Congressman Joe Wilson (whose real name is Addison Graves Wilson) has made it clear that he will not apologize further for his outburst during President Obama's speech last week.

Wilson's statement comes as Democrats consider whether or not to formally censure Wilson in the House.

Frankly, Congressman, your outburst was more than a breach of decorum; it accused the President of lying, and your claim has been debunked. You owe Congress (and, for that matter, the American people) an apology for your behavior, but also need to acknowledge that your emotions got in the way of the facts.

If the Democrats can't muster the spinal fortitude to censure you for lying, and you can't stop behaving like an ill-mannered child, we might as well forget about healthcare reform, because we've given up on having facts as an essential component of the debate.

A note to President Obama and the Democratic leadership - stop wasting your time on 'bipartisanship.'
We not only had Congressman Wilson shooting off his mouth, we had Minority Whip Eric Cantor texting on his Blackberry throughout the speech, and several GOP members waving handwritten signs as if Congress were a fucking FOX News tea party.

Set the tone and stop mollycoddling these clowns, who - in case you hadn't noticed - have been spewing nonsense almost non-stop, from charges of socialism to death panels to forcing people into a government program.

One woman at the 'massive' 9/12 FOX News promotional event protest declared, "We think the Muslims are moving in and taking over."

I disagree. The Muslims ain't got a chance - the stupid people are going to get there first.

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