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The Bipartisan Shuffle

Wednesday, Sept. 09, 2009 3:36 AM

Thanks to a bit of underpromise and overdeliver by CalTrans, I didn't have to get up at Oh-God Hundred and start my work day two hours earlier than usual.

If you use the Bay Bridge to commute, the CHP is serious about the 40 MPH speed limit - there were patrol cruisers on the bridge lurking just out-of-sight behind construction barriers.

President Obama is slated to speak before both the House and Senate this evening on his healthcare reform plan.

If this is another pitch for 'bipartisanship,' he's wasting his time. We always hear this from the Democrats - bipartisan this, bipartisan that - and what it comes down to is the Democrats repeatedly waffling and caving on issues.

Bipartisanship is not something you deliberately craft, or something you invoke to crappy ideas better. It's something that follows automatically when you actively contribute to legislation.

In sports, they call it teamwork.

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