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Questions and Answers

Tuesday, Aug. 11, 2009 7:31 AM

A gentleman named Kenneth Gladney is claiming that he was beaten up outside a town hall meeting by a union member. Gladney is making the rounds on FOX News, with his lawyer doing the talking.

But none of the video shows Gladney evincing any injuries whatsoever - he's not picking himself up off the floor and we don't see anyone hitting him. He's not sporting a black eye or swollen lip, though he showed up at one of his press conferences in a wheelchair and apparently on enough pain meds to be 'incoherent' - thus requiring his lawyer to speak on his behalf.

I've seen too many 'confrontations' alleging violence on the part of one party (usually protesters v. police) to sign off on this.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton got more than a little irate with a question asked of her at a forum in Kinshasa. The translation seemed to be asking what Secretary Clinton thought about what her husband, Bill Clinton, thought of an issue.

"My husband is not Secretary of State, I am," Hillary Clinton pointed out. "I am not going to be channeling my husband."

After the forum, the student approached Mrs. Clinton and explained that his question was about what President Obama thought about the matter, and that the translator took that to mean Bill Clinton in the absence of a specific reference.

President Obama will be conducting three town hall meetings this week to discuss healthcare reform.

If there's anything needed in this debate, it's to tell both sides (and perhaps the media as well) to sit down, shut the fuck up, and behave like adults.

But I doubt that's going to happen.

I'm just hoping Obama and the White House are smart enough to not try the planted question approach.

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