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Journalists Freed

Wednesday, Aug. 05, 2009 3:40 AM

Journalists Laura Ling and Euna Lee are home after the successful conclusion of negotiations with the North Korean government. Former president Bill Clinton was there to finalize the agreement with North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il.

Of course, critics of diplomacy such as John 'I Hate The U.N.' Bolton were critical of the deal as placing America in a position of weakness.

I disagree; while the plight of Ling and Lee was serious, negotiations forced North Korea to consider if they really wanted to go all-in on this issue, knowing there are other, larger issues ahead of them. It brought home that North Korea doesn't have a strong hand to play, no matter how many missile tests they conduct.

The question that should be asked of Bolton is - with two mismanaged wars left over from the administration that Bolton was a part of - what options were left? Another round of military adventurism? Seriously - who was it that left us overextended and trashed our global reputation with tactics like torture?

Another Orly Taitz moment as Taitz claims the 'Bomford report' was designed to discredit her. Said report is the discovery of the birth certificate of one David Bomford, a South Australian resident, who had placed the document on his family's geneaology website; it was the basis for the 'Kenyan Birth Certificate' that Taitz was waving about the other day. (Bomford has since removed the image out of concerns for security.)

No, dear - you're still an idiot, along with all the others following your lead. (Yes, Lou Dobbs, That Means You.) Your 'definitive proof' of your Barack-Obama-isn't-a-natural-born-citizen theory is a poorly-done forgery.

The United States Marine Corps is banning social networking sites including Facebook and Twitter, on the grounds that it places units at risk of computer viruses, but also threatens the overall security of troops through the risk of inadvertently compromising operational information.

The ban is slated to last for a year, after which time the USMC will review its decision.

I happen to think it's a sensible precaution. In World War II, Allied forces used simple communications such as weather reports to pinpoint German deployments and activity. And instead of following communications protocol, German officers re-used key phrases, weakening the overall strength of the Enigma cipher.

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