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Journalistic Hackery

Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2009 3:56 AM

Conspiracy theorist Orly Taitz, one of the most visible proponents of the 'birther' nonsense, yesterday claimed that she had Barack Obama's Kenyan birth certificate, and that President Obama would have to respond.

Except the document was quickly exposed as a forgery. The certificate number was '47O44,' a combination of the Obama's age, the letter 'O,' and the number of the presidency. It was signed by an, 'EF Lavender,' which is apparently a brand of soap in Kenya. And the document is from the Republic of Kenya ... something that didn't exist until 1964.

When Dan Rather got taken in by a forged document that he presented as proof of irregularities in George W. Bush's National Guard service, he was summarily fired, his career ended.

Consequently, I'd like to see the 'journalists' - including Lou Dobbs - who have been giving Orly Taitz air time admit to similar failures - wishful thinking and a failure to properly vet the source and the document(s) - and resign.

After all, we wouldn't want the 'liberal mainstream media' to be more responsible than the 'legitimate issue' crowd, would we?

CNN President Jonathan Klein also needs to take a long look in the mirror, for his defense of Dobbs' journalistic and editorial expertise.

The 'most trusted name in news' is looking a little tarnished right now.

The State Department is negotiating with Iran for the release of three Americans who 'wandered across the Iraq/Iran border' while hiking.

One of the hikers is, according to his website, an independent journalist.

So do you usually drag your girlfriend and a buddy along when you try and sneak into an unfriendly country?

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