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Liars' Dice

Monday, Jul. 27, 2009 7:26 AM

It's not really all that surprising that the Bush Administration - notably Vice-President Dick Cheney - was agitating for the use of military force to effect the arrest of six terrorism suspects - the so-called 'Lackawanna Six.'

Said advice complete with an ass-covering legal memo from John Yoo, offering the excuse that it was within the 'extraordinary powers' of the president and that the 4th Amendment doesn't apply when it's a question of 'national security' as opposed to 'law enforcement.'

All of which makes subsequent changes to posse comitatus, habeas corpus, and the erosion of 4th Amendment protections even more disturbing. Because they damned well knew they were breaking the law, and didn't give a shit.

Five of the Lackawanna Six were convicted of providing support/resources to a terrorist organization, though no evidence of an organized plan or materials was ever made public.

Oh, and look - it's another Republican politician, Tennessee State Senator Paul Stanley, caught with his penis going walkabout in the general direction of a 23 year-old intern.

Stanley, of course, is strongly pro-life and big on the whole 'sanctity of marriage' thing.

No word as to whether or not Stanley will step down from office.

Among the wisdom from Sarah Palin's farewell address is a rambling jab at the media, which comes by way of supporting the troops, because that's what they're fighting for, and it's an essential part of democracy, or something, so 'quit making stuff up.'

No, dear, it would be making stuff up to claim you are anything but a clueless, corrupt, inept political hack. Katie Couric didn't make up your rambling, nonsensical answer about Putin's flying head invading American airspace, or that your foreign policy expertise is grounded in Alaska's proximity to Russia.

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