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Friday, Jul. 24, 2009 3:55 AM

Bryan Lambert over at You Are Dumb sums it up nicely: Congress is debating healthcare reform and all the media can manage is to get their knickers in a knot about whether or not Obama called a police officer 'stupid.'

That would be the officer who tried to arrest Professor Henry Gates for breaking into his own home after forgetting his keys, and not this genius.

There's something fundamentally wrong when a walking freakshow like Michael Jackson dies, the world stops spinning on its axis, the city of Los Angeles throws a multimillion-dollar memorial that is broadcast on all the major networks ... but when Walter Cronkite, an esteemed newsman who defined network news for nearly two decades, passes away, it's just another story.

I mean, come on, the funeral didn't even rate a mention on KPIX this morning, and we're a CBS station.

And then there's Lou Dobbs, who has drawn not-undeserved criticism for devoting a significant block of air time to the conspiracy theory that President Obama is not a natural-born U.S. Citizen.

Dobbs' response is that he's being assailed by 'limp-minded, lily-livered lefties' because he 'had the temerity to inquire as to where the birth certificate was and why the president of the United States would not turn over that birth certificate to the national media and end the noise.'

The truth is, proof of Obama's birth was provided by the Obama campaign in 2008, and the actual document has been examined by Furthermore, as President Obama's mother was an American citizen, so is her son.

What Dobbs is presenting as fact has been disproven, and the experts he cites are nothing more than conspiracy theorists (remember, Ms. Taitz believes her 'case' is being suppressed and that the FBI is out to get her along with unnamed hackers).

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