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Gotta Keep 'Em Separated

Tuesday, Jul. 21, 2009 3:56 AM

More Christian shenanigans afoot in Washington, as Rep. Randy Forbes has both HR 34 and HR 149 before Congress.

Both are unacceptable.

HR 34 contains the clause, "Whereas the Holy Bible is God's Word," which is in direct contravention of the Establishment Clause.

That clause is missing in HR 149, but the intellectually dishonest hopscotch common to 'Christian nation' nonsense is in full bloom, with another clause tallying the number of times that President Abraham Lincoln said 'God,' cited the Bible, or invoked prayer during his inaugural speech ... and, therefore, America has a 'godly' heritage.

And while the resolution claims to be about displaying the Lincoln Bible - which Obama also used for his inauguration - Forbes himself is positioning it as a vehicle to declare America as a Judeo-Christian nation.

Simple and harmless, right? I don't think so. Look how the 'traditional marriage' garbage - affirmed by conservatives and liberals - is still being flogged to deny gays and lesbians the privileges of a purely civil construct. Pay attention when candidates for school boards remark that one must be a specific kind of Christian with a specific kind of appreciation of the Bible in order to 'rightly rule.'

And, frankly, if your faith needs a formal declaration from the state to be valid, it's not much of a belief system, is it?

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