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Billions And Billions

Tuesday, Jun. 30, 2009 3:52 AM

During Pride Weekend, someone set fire to the pink triangle that is unfurled for display on Twin Peaks in San Francisco.

Firefighters discovered spent road flares at the burn site, meaning someone saw the display, took the time to drive up to Twin Peaks, and then chuck a few flares onto it.

The coroner has determined that pitchman Billy Mays' death was not related to being hit on the head by falling objects during a rough landing on a flight into Tampa.

American forces have completed their withdrawal from cities in Iraq (remaining forces will operate from bases outside city areas), with Iraqi forces taking over the responsibility for day-to-day security.

Of course, if it doesn't work, we already know it will be painted as Obama's Fault, even though the bulk of our activity in Iraq has been under the Bush Administration.

Some perspective on Bernie Madoff's 150-year sentence. At the rate of a dollar per second, 150 years doesn't even come close to the billions Madoff stole from his clients.

The math: 150 years = 54,750 days = 1,314,000 hours = 78,840,000 minutes = 4,730,400,000 seconds. A preliminary forfeiture order targeting Madoff's estate is set at $171 billion.

Now, if you're working a minimum-wage job in California, your time is worth less than 0.00229 cents per second. (I stipulate less because the math for Madoff, above, uses a 24-hour day, while this calculation is based on a single hour.)

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