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Crazy Talk

Friday, Jun. 26, 2009 3:45 AM

A brief moment to mourn the passing of Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, and Michael Jackson.

Conservative talk personality (and 'friend' of FOX News' Sean Hannity*) Hal Turner has been arrested after making threats against several federal judges.

"Let me be the first to say this plainly: These Judges deserve to be killed,� Turner posted on his website, along with photos of the judges, their work addresses, phone numbers, the location of their offices and maps of the building.

*Hannity keeps trying to deny any substantive relationship with Turner, even though Turner has spoken of long conversations in which he and Hannity agree in principle.

And while the folks over at Media Matters aren't federal judges, Michael Savage has made the same kind of threats against them. His justification? He's being harassed by Media Matters' singling-out of his on-air tirades.

First, Savage seems to have forgotten he is a public figure - placed there by his own choice to sit in front of a microphone. Second, if Savage doesn't want to take ownership of his words, maybe he needs to think twice before opening his pie hole.

Minnesota's resident crazy lady, Rep. Michele Bachmann, has said she won't participate in the 2010 Census.

Why? Because (according to Bachmann) the Census is how FDR knew where to find Japanese-Americans and round them up for internment. Not that Obama is planning on rounding up people like Bachmann, of course, but she's just sayin'.

Bachmann apparently doesn't know that the Census also determines political representation and federal funding.

The Supreme Court has ruled that a strip search of a then-13 year-old girl violated constitutional protections against unreasonable search and seizure.

School authorities claim they were looking for prescription drugs (ibuprofen); the search went down to student Savana Redding's bra and panties.

The only justice to dissent was Clarence Thomas. (Apparently, the threat of kids using prescription is of such magnitude, strip searching underage girls is okay by Justice Thomas.)

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