The Ministry of Shadows

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What The Internet Will Look Like Under SOPA
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Jesus Approves of Waterboarding
Monday, Nov. 14, 2011

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Monday, Jun. 22, 2009 3:59 AM

I'd really love to know what the conservatives (such as Lindsey 'Indiana Marketplace' Graham) complaining about President Obama's position on the Iran election would prefer. An open declaration of war, perhaps? A little military slap-around until the Iranians fall into line?

Let's remember that America lost any credibility she once had as an impartial observer back in 2000, when a court told us who our next president would be. And that eight years of slam-the-door 'diplomacy' accompanied by five years of military adventurism and accusations also played their part.

Sad to say, we are merely watching another chapter play out - Iran's people will choose, and whether or not its religious leaders accede to the will of the people is something we have little control over.

And perhaps there is a cautionary tale here. When politicians stand complicit in perpetuating the myth of America as a 'Christian nation' from its founding, dispute the concept of a separation of Church and State, and turn a blind eye as voices from the pulpit speak to matters of civil law, is it sensible to ask if we are heading in the same direction as Iran? A state ultimately ruled by a religious hierarchy that can declare a leader's legitimacy on a political level even when a popular election says otherwise?

Got my hair cut on Friday, donating about 10" to Locks of Love. I haven't decided if I'm going to grow my hair long again, but it's pretty likely, unless the in-between stage drives me nuts (that is, too long to stay out of my eyes, too short to tie back).

The Ministry has received 1 comment(s) on this topic.

Brin aka Bindyree - 2009-06-22 19:09:20
Two words: Do Rag. I have a drawerload of them, in preparation for the battle of the bangs. Let me know if you need any.