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America Works Because Unions Do

Thursday, Jun. 04, 2009 3:59 AM

So MSNBC's Joe Scarborough was engaged in wailing and gnashing of teeth over the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA), making the ludicrous claim that unionized companies = companies that get sold off. Co-anchor Mika Brzezinski described unions as 'crippling the system that makes companies work.' And the entire panel couldn't name a single 'successful' unionized company. (h/t Media Matters)

Never mind that most broadcast operations are staffed by union employees (NABET/CWA, IBEW, etc.), and on-air talent are usually represented by AFTRA.

If there's a lesson to be learned from the events at Tianamen Square 20 years ago, it's that it can take decades to win freedom within a country, and that politicians can be bamboozled through panic and fear and the need to 'do something' so they'll toss it all into the dumpster in under four years.

Yes, I'm talking about the good ol' USA.

Why do terrorists think their actions will sway the mightiest of governments? It's because, despite all the tanks and planes and troops and bluster, we're reduced to passing laws and enacting policy based on paranoid fantasies about 'ticking time bombs.'

That's your legacy, Mr. Bush.

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