The Ministry of Shadows

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Faith-Based Bubble?

Tuesday, May. 19, 2009 3:58 AM

A number of students at Notre Dame University boycotted their commencement exercises because President Obama was invited to speak, and, well, He Supports Abortion.

Instead, they went to a prayer service, which allowed them to 'graduate with their beliefs intact.' Because, apparently, that the merest contradiction to Catholic values is going to bring their world crashing down around them.

Because they spent four years of their lives learning to parrot talking points and whine piteously when contradicted instead of being trained to be leaders who demonstrate Catholic principles in their professional and daily lives, or to be able to approach problems with reason.

Today is a special election in California, with a series of budget-related issues facing voters.

And if voters are paying attention, they should recognize that these are basically a retread of the measures Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger put up several years ago, with the same dire predictions of spiraling deficits and economic doom if we don't accede to his wishes.

I can't even support 1F, which would prohibit legislators from voting themselves a pay raise during a deficit. That's an issue that should be common sense, not a rule that neither improves the budget process or provides additional accountability.

These measures are not the solution.

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