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Squealing In Terror?

Tuesday, Apr. 28, 2009 4:00 AM

It turns out that funds for 'pandemic preparation' were part of the stimulus package ... and the Republicans objected, singling them out as being 'pork.'

MSNBC's Joe Scarborough offers this justification for torture: he's scared.

"There is irrational fear and then rational fear. If you live in a neighborhood where people's homes get broken into and people get shot and killed at night and their items get stolen, and you're fearful that may happen to you, that's not irrational. That is fear and you will support a stronger police presence in your home. If this country got attacked the way it did on September 11th, 2001, it is not irrational for Americans to fear it might happen again when you have al Qaeda wanting to do nothing but kill all of us, destroy our cities."

Um, Joe, yeah ... it is irrational. It's way the hell irrational. You can't even manage a coherent sentence ('a stronger police presence in your home').

This is what America has been reduced to? Clutching our knickers and holding a fire sale on our values and principles if it will keep us 'safe'?

While I'm a little dismayed at New Yorkers for freaking out as a low-flying jet circled Manhattan for a photo-op, I'm not exactly pleased with the federal government thinking this would be a good idea.

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg says his office wasn't even notified.

And what's the purpose for this silliness anyway? "Air Force One" being photographed in juxtaposition with national landmarks?

Our national landmarks are representative of our country, not the guy being shuttled around in AF-1.

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