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Just a Glitch?

Monday, Apr. 13, 2009 3:51 AM

Tracy Police have made an arrest in the murder of 8 year-old Sandra Cantu: Melissa Huckaby, a Sunday School teacher.

Huckaby's arraignment is scheduled for Tuesday afternoon. is saying a 'glitch' caused the sales ranking to be removed from gay- and/or lesbian-themed books sold by the online retailer.

It's a convenient excuse, but one that doesn't make any sense. Why would one category of rankings disappear, unless some kind of master listing of keywords or the programming code had been altered? Up to this point, sales rankings had been tracking just fine, thank you.

I suspect there were some very human fingers engaged in very deliberate action behind this 'glitch.'

Navy SEAL snipers took down three of the four pirates holding Richard Phillips, the captain of an American-crewed cargo ship, rescuing the captain without incident.

Somali pirates are vowing revenge.

The Obama Administration is apparently maintaining Bush Administration policies on detainees, filing an appeal against a district court ruling granting some Afghanistan detainees the right to appeal on the grounds of habeas corpus.

To be fair, the issue is complicated by the Bush Administration's disregard for the principle of habeas corpus in the first place, but the Obama Administration needs to make clear that any objections on its part are due to a comprehensive review of the policies and practices as a whole, and not a green light to changing things willy-nilly.

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