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A Few Bucks Short of ...?

Friday, Mar. 27, 2009 3:53 AM

Not satisfied with saying something stupid and then claiming she was taken out of context once this week, Rep. Michele Bachmann has accomplished a twofer, this time bemoaning that President Obama might replace the dollar as U.S. Currency.

With what? Rubles? Bottle caps? Styrofoam peanuts?

It doesn't matter. Bachmann is sponsoring legislation calling for a Constitutional amendment that would prohibit the president from entering into any treaty or international agreement that would provide for the United States to adopt as legal tender any foreign currency.

At first, one might think Bachmann was simply confused about China's proposal to replace the dollar as the standard in the global reserve. But, no, Bachmann's office confirmed that this is entirely about replacing the dollar on the domestic front.

But Bachmann isn't alone. The bill has twenty-nine cosponsors.

This Sunday's 60 Minutes features a piece on basketball superstar Lebron James.

But that's not the amazing thing.

What was amazing was James' throwaway shot from the top of the key cross-court ... that goes in. Swoosh.

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