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Flash Mobs

Tuesday, Mar. 10, 2009 4:07 AM

Some refreshing words from White House Spokesman Robert Gibbs at yesterday's press briefing:

"This President will use signing statements in order to go back to what has previously been done, and that is to enumerate constitutional problems that either the Justice Department or the -- or legislative council here see as a potential problem through their reading, but not ask that laws be disallowed simply by executive fiat."

President Obama is expected to lay out his education policy during a speech this morning. That policy will highlight our responsibility to educate ourselves as well as our children, as opposed to the ass-backwards testing to show you can take a test that was the cornerstone of President Bush's 'No Child Left Behind' train wreck.

The City of San Francisco is considering formulating some kind of policy to control 'flash mobs' (a phenomenon presaged by author Larry Niven in 1973) - spontaneous gatherings responsible for events like the Valentine's Day Pillow Fight and the more recent Pie Fight on city streets.

The problem apparently isn't the crowd itself, but the cleanup - the pillow fight, which happened on a rainy day, left gobs of wet feathers all over Justin Herman Plaza, and then there's the vague 'risk to public safety' angle. (And, yes, people have wondered if the flash mob meme could be exploited by terrorists.)

Good luck with that.

The Ministry has received 1 comment(s) on this topic.

Brin aka Bindyree - 2009-03-10 15:08:20
You know, if the proponents of Flash Mobs would organize a Cleaning Up Mob, that might go a ways to improve their image. :-)