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Still Cleaning Up Bush's Mess

Monday, Mar. 09, 2009 3:51 AM

With President Obama set to reverse President Bush's ban on embryonic stem-cell research, a clip that's been getting a lot of play is of Mr. Bush, giving his best teleprompter stare, warning of how such research is a 'moral hazard.'

We now take a brief pause for reflection on unprovoked wars of aggression, torture, and corruption. Odd how selective the Bush moral compass was.

In reading about the latest church shooting in Illinois, it's disturbing to see both the 'fuck the Christians' crowd foaming at the mouth and the 'To Arms! To Arms!' types on the other end of the spectrum.

One has to wonder how Jesus would feel upon seeing that part of the population holds Him and His Teachings in open contempt, and another part thinks fear, loathing, and guns is the way to protect their faith.

It's the biannual silliness of switching to Daylight Savings Time before the Vernal Equinox - meaning that the days are still getting longer, and thus we're not really saving much of anything. But it looks good on paper, and makes politicians look as if they're Doing Something.

But it's a special kind of hell when one already has to go to sleep at odd hours and wake up well before dawn.

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