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Bush Can't Be Bothered

Tuesday, Dec. 30, 2008 3:55 AM

Apparently, some people have been wondering why President-elect Obama hasn't weighed in on the Israel-Palestine situation.

It's because there's only one president at a time.

And that guy is on vacation.

A Boot to the Head to Chip Saltsman, whose idea of campaigning to be head of the Republican National Committee is to send CDs to members featuring the little ditty, 'Barack the Magic Negro.'

Saltsman commented, "I think that RNC members have the good humor and good sense to recognize that (the) songs for the Rush Limbaugh show are light-hearted political parodies," but maintains that, "... we must welcome all Americans into our party and that the road to Republican resurgence begins with unity, not division.�

Saltsman says it's the media's fault that he's being 'singled out' as part of a trumped-up controversy.

No, Chip, it's because you're a thoughtless prick from the part of the Republican party that flushed its chances down the drain by driving the campaign bus down the 'Obama's not like us' route instead of addressing the issues.

But if you really want to insist that it's just parody and all in good fun, consider that 'Chip, The Racist Nutjob' and 'Bush, The Drunken Fratboy' can be sung to the same tune.

Despite insisting that Bristol Palin's Pregnancy Is Not News, what's the story out of Alaska?

Bristol Palin had her baby.

Yay. Are we done now? Oh, wait, probably not. I'm sure there will be a photo op with Granny Sarah, and talk about the kid's name (Lawndart? Axlegrease? Scrapple? Prince Albertinican?).


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