The Ministry of Shadows

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The Adventures of Rocket Rod Blagojevich

Thursday, Dec. 11, 2008 3:54 AM

Bits and pieces of Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich litter the media landscape. Despite calls for his resignation from all 50 Democratic senators and President-elect Obama, Blago says he won't step down. Blagojevich's own deputy governor has resigned, and investigators are now also looking at Mrs. Blagojevich's business dealings.

And then there's the identity of #5, supposedly one Jesse Jackson, Jr. - who, like Blagojevich, insists that he did nothing wrong. (He only, according to Blagojevich, offered a tidy sum for the privilege of being named a senator.)

From the Cue The Dramatic Music Department, there's Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's new buzz phrase regarding the state's budget crisis.

Fiscal Armageddon.

There's a Weird Al song in there somewhere.

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