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Our Group Thinks There Was No Groupthink?

Tuesday, Dec. 09, 2008 3:55 AM

Condoleezza Rice is the latest Bush Administration member to try on the 'we regret the faulty intelligence' excuse for size, with the same accessories - namely, 'everyone else thought Saddam had WMDs, too!'

But, Condi tells us, there wasn't any groupthink on the subject.

Let's try this again. You are responsible for your actions, not what someone else thought. This used to be something we taught children as a matter of fact - that it didn't matter what the other kids said or did, what mattered was what you said and did.

From the I'm One Of You, But I'm Standing Over There With Them Department comes Senator John McCain's visit to Afghanistan, whereupon he solemnly pronounces that the Surge worked in Iraq, so it will work in Afghanistan.

Notable is the guy standing to McCain's right, Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman. The guy who keeps saying he's caucusing with the Democrats, but routinely shows up for photo ops with Republicans.

Oh, and regarding the concept of the 'Surge.' Try this synonym: bailout. We throw resources at the problem until we can claim it's not a problem. We won't have actually fixed any of the underlying issues, but it will look good.

The 'Surge' is also a tacit admission that insufficient resources were tasked to the battlefield in the first place, i.e. - bad management practices.

Maybe we need to start thinking about 'doing things right' instead of 'doing things over.' (Or, as Guy Kawasaki explained in his book, The Macintosh Way, success relies on doing the Right Thing the Right Way.)

Yesterday's title, incidentally, was the first part of the Sith Creed.

Peace is a lie; there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall free me.

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