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Hate Fest

Friday, Nov. 14, 2008 3:59 AM

From the Who Put The Kool-Aid in the Sacramental Wine Department, the story of the pastor at a Fairfield, California church who complained about a parishoner's car and the Obama stickers on it.

"We cannot have a car with Obama signs written on it on these premises. And I don't care who Obama is," Rev. Sebastian Meyer intoned from the pulpit. "I want this car off the premises in 10 minutes or it will be towed. Whoever's vehicle this is, I want it removed. I don't want to see that car anywhere around here."

The parishoner, Elizabeth Caster, got up to move her car. Meyer is said to have followed her and refused to let her park anywhere in the parking lot.

Reverend Meyer is also said to have accosted a reporter who inquired about the incident.

Another parishoner remarked, "It seems there was some anger and animosity in his tone. You could feel the Holy Spirit sucked out of the church."

Another pastor in South Carolina told his flock that if they'd voted for Barack Hussein Obama, they couldn't receive communion.

Because supporting Obama, "... constitutes material cooperation with intrinsic evil."

And when the Catholic Church starts handing child-molesting priests over to the authorities instead of doing the pastoral shuffle, then we can have a serious discussion about material cooperation with intrinsic evil.

In the midst of a winning season, Texas Longhorns' offensive lineman Buck Burnette is off the team, having made an offensive comment that wound up on Facebook.

"All the hunters gather up, we have a (slur) in the White House," Burnette posted.

And then there's the busload of schoolkids in Idaho who chanted, "Assassinate Obama!"

Where do second- and third-graders learn this kind of mindset, let alone language? It's got to come from somewhere.

Perhaps these upstanding, God-fearing, conservative sorts need to remember the original assassins were essentially a bunch of Islamic terrorists, and adopting their methods isn't exactly in keeping with Christ's teachings.

For that matter, let's remember that ol' J.C. was essentially murdered over politics, yet the ultimate meaning of his death was to sacrifice Himself for the forgiveness of our sins. There's a lesson there, somewhere, and it's clear we're flunking the subject.

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