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K.O. At The Bat?

Tuesday, Nov. 11, 2008 4:06 AM

MSNBC's Keith Olbermann admitted on The View that he doesn't vote.


His excuse is that it helps him maintain his journalistic integrity to not have a horse in the race, so to speak. And I suppose it's easier to throw darts at political figures when you're not backing one or the other, or when there's not the perception that you are being courted for your vote.

But that doesn't stop other pundits, who are no less shy about expressing their views, from pulling the lever.

Olbermann nonetheless turns out an excellent Special Comment on California's Proposition 8.

So Sarah Palin is prayin' that God opens a door for her to get to the White House. Seems to me this has less to do with God wanting anything and is entirely about what Sarah wants.

Palin is also adding bloggers to her list of people to blame for the failure of the McCain/Palin ticket. So it's the media, bloggers, McCain staffers, George W. Bush, and the GOP's fault.

And she says she's puzzled about the fuss over her wardrobe.

Jesus with a jetpack, lady! You spent $150,000 plus on clothes at a time where people are losing their homes! Not to mention, that's more than most couples make in a year. And you wonder why it's drawing criticism?

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