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Get Off The Stage, Already

Thursday, Oct. 30, 2008 3:51 AM

Sarah Palin has implied that she is interested in fronting a bid for the Republican ticket in 2012.

I'm sorry, but America simply cannot afford a president who is so wilfully ignorant and uninformed, and who can't even manage a coherent answer to a softball question.

The GOP is losing because they've forgotten that hope and change are valid messages and a winning strategy, as when Reagan challenged America to ask if they were better off now then they were before, or when Republicans rode to victory on the coattails of Bill Clinton's marital infidelities and championing the 'rule of law.'

Sarah Palin is supposed to participate in a national security roundtable discussion later today.

Given how prepared she was for her 'policy' speech last week, this should be a laugh riot.

The Los Angeles Times has a videotape of a dinner attended by Barack Obama, where one of the other guests was an anti-Israel Palestinian scholar named Rashid Khalidi. They have reported the tape's existence, but declined to show or otherwise make available this tape at the request of their source.

Which has the conspiracy theory crowd that has co-opted the conservative end of the spectrum foaming at the mouth, accusing the Los Angeles Times of hiding 'damaging' video or 'proof' that Obama is some kind of anti-American nutjob.

That kind of reasoning would mean that if you watched The Godfather, you must be a mafia sympathizer.

Foreign policy has to be more cogent than 'Six Degrees of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.' It goes without saying that diplomacy means meeting with people with whom you disagree, and certainly do not trust unconditionally. It does not, as the Bush Administration and the McCain Campaign seem to believe, mean appeasement or a weakened position.

I'm taking Halloween off.

If you observe it, a Blessed Samhain to you.

The Ministry has received 1 comment(s) on this topic.

Brin aka Bindyree - 2008-10-30 14:39:52
Thanks, Bob, Happy New Year!