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Tax & Spend Socialism?

Monday, Oct. 27, 2008 4:05 AM

So if you haven't bought the 'Obama is a terrorist' or 'Obama is a socialist' or 'Obama is a communist' or 'Obama is a Muslim' fear parade from the McCain campaign, here's the latest one:

Obama is a tax and spend Democrat.

What do you call a sentence that reads the same thing backwards as it does forwards, as with:

Wasilla's all I saw.

Yup. It's a palindrome, youbetcha.

In part of her 'policy' speech on Friday, Palin called a number of earmarks into question, such as funds for researching fruit flies - the obvious conclusion is that the funding is for frivolous science and not anything we really need to know.

Apparently, that research has provided insights into autism - which was one of the things that her 'policy' speech was supposed to be about.

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