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As Frugal As She Is Smart?

Friday, Oct. 24, 2008 4:28 AM

Describing herself as 'frugal,' Sarah Palin told the Chicago Tribune that her $150,000 wardrobe isn't actually worth $150,000 ... oh, and the clothes were going to be donated to charity afterwards and the media isn't reporting all the facts.

Which are? Seriously, if you're going to challenge the facts, don't just sit there and call yourself frugal. Tell us the actual amount. Show us receipts.

I'm naturally suspicious of someone who has to emphasize that they're 'just like me' and 'common folk' by parading their kids around on the campaign trail (including using their daughter to deflect criticism). I'd be more impressed if their kids were still in school and paying attention to their studies.

John McCain's brother, Joe, is in the news again, this time for apparently calling 911 to complain about a traffic jam.

Sarah Palin is about to make her first 'policy' speech, with the subject being special education children and their needs.

We understand Trig Palin is a Down Syndrome child, but how does six months make his mother knowledgeable enough to formulate or propose policy? Isn't this as silly as claiming she's got national security expertise because Russia is visible from her house (it's not, really), or that she's an energy expert because there's oil in Alaska?

Sony is delaying the release of their game 'Little Big Planet' because the soundtrack contains phrases from the Koran. The company wanted to avoid offending those of the Muslim faith.

And I'm sure that if they'd left it in, there'd be people complaining about the subliminal indoctrination of our children.

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