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The Elitist Formerly Known As America's Hockey Mom

Wednesday, Oct. 22, 2008 4:15 AM

Nearly three months after Sarah Palin admitted she didn't really know what the Vice President does, it's been shown that she still doesn't know, telling a third-grader that the VP is 'in charge of the Senate,' and that she was looking forward to working on policy with them.

No, dear, you're not 'in charge' of anything. Presiding over the Senate is not the same thing as being 'in charge,' and your primary role there is to be the deciding vote in a 50-50 tie. (Unlikely if predictions of a 60% Democratic majority after the election are accurate.)

If a $400 haircut makes John Edwards an elitist liberal, what does Sarah Palin's $150,000 wardrobe signify?

That's how much Governor Hockey Mom and the pinup for Joe Sixpacks in real America spent on designer fashions for her campaign appearances. The McCain campaign quickly offered the defense that it's not taxpayer dollars being spent here.

In an interview on CNN, Sarah Palin apologized for her 'pro-America' remark, saying that's not what she meant.

But then failed to explain what she did mean.

And with all the flinging about of terms like 'Socialist' and 'Marxist' to describe Obama's policies, perhaps we ought to consider that Jesus' miracle of feeding the crowds before his Sermon on the Mount was socialism. The food was collected from those present, and distributed by Christ's Apostles.

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