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She Said She Said?

Tuesday, Oct. 21, 2008 4:37 AM

Rep. Michelle Bachmann, who on Friday said this on MSNBC's Hardball:

Absolutely. I�m very concerned he (Obama) may have anti-American views.

... and going on to suggest that members of Congress should be investigated to determine whether they are pro- or anti-America, told her local CBS affiliate on Monday:

I�m not saying that his views are anti-American. That was a misreading of what I said. And so I don�t believe that�s my position.

No, Michelle, that's exactly what you said. You called for a McCarthy-era style witch-hunt, not just of Senator Obama, but the whole of Congress.

And, just like the hand-wringing over 'serious and legitimate questions' regarding Obama and Bill Ayers, if you have proof, let's see it.

Oh, wait, that's right - you don't have any.

Obama is leaving the campaign trail just over two weeks before the election to be with his grandmother, whose health is failing.

And the trolls are apparently out on a number of sites, accusing Obama of a 'stunt' and other hateful spewage about his grandmother.

Family values, my ass.

And the man with the built-in moral compass does what he always does: nothing.

President Bush will leave the detention camps at Guantanamo Bay running, despite concerns from both the State Department and the Pentagon, leaving it for a successor to handle.

Along with two wars and the economy.

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