The Ministry of Shadows

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Questions? Seriously?

Wednesday, Oct. 15, 2008 3:56 AM

Supposedly, John McCain is going to confront Barack Obama about William Ayers at tonight's debate.

Whatever that means.

Even McCain's spokespersons can't step up to the podium and say what they mean. We've been treated to weeks of 'there are serious and legitimate questions' ... but no one is asking them.

If you really had incontrovertible proof that there was something sinister about Ayers and Obama serving on the board of a charity, why would you dance around the subject this long? Wouldn't you just come out and say it?

And if ol' Maverick can't even look Obama in the eyes, how is he going to ask a serious question?

It's probably a false correlation, but it seems that every time the Bush Administration steps up to assure us that they're working hard on the economy and that they have a plan ...

... the NYSE tanks.

Yesterday's initial upward trend ended with the market down 76 points. And today, the market went negative almost immediately.

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