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Fiddling While The Economy Burns

Wednesday, Oct. 08, 2008 4:00 AM

In addition to the executives at Lehman Brothers, the execs over at AIG went on a week-long retreat at a spa/resort, just prior to declaring bankruptcy.

Yes, they may be bankrupt, but they're tanned and well-rested.

I can't say either candidate brought down the house in last night's debate, but the McCain Campaign needs to hire an image consultant.

Wandering about the set, smirking, and pointing at your opponent while whispering in a fake aside, "that one," makes you look decidedly unpresidential.

One of the biggest problems is that we aren't actually watching debates; we're watching moderated stump speeches.

The San Mateo-Foster City school district has decided to replace traditional letter grades with numerical ratings. This is apparently in keeping with how results are measured on the High School Exit Exam, with a '3' showing 'standard performance'.

Parents are complaining because it's not clear how a student achieves a '4' (above standard), and that by emphasizing 'standard' performance, you're encouraging minimal effort, rather than pushing students to excel.

As one college professor told us, "In my class, you don't start with an A and work your way down. You start with an F and work your way up."

The Ministry has received 1 comment(s) on this topic.

Bindyree aka Brin - 2008-10-08 14:45:51
ISTR a school over in the eastern half of the country deciding that the base number for completed work should *automatically* be fifty percent, even if the student never does a lick of work. These are the people who are going to end up building our skyscrapers in ten or twenty years. Feel safe? You tell ME who is guilty of domestic terrorism.