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Here's Your Legacy

Thursday, Sept. 25, 2008 3:51 AM

President Bush gave another eyes-filled-with-panic speech last night, exhorting Congress and the country to rally behind his bailout proposal, while avoiding any specific details.

Similarly, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson were on the Hill yesterday, painting grisly pictures of how everything's going to fall apart unless Congress approves the package right the hell now.

Senator John McCain thinks the crisis is so urgent that he suspended his campaign - except for a visit to his BFF Katie Couric. He also suggested postponing next week's presidential candidate debate. When that suggestion was rebuffed, he suggested postponing the vice-presidential candidate debate.

Jon Soltz of has a nice comment about postponing the debate(s).

Sarah Palin drew a blank when asked by Katie Couric to name an instance in the past 26 years where John McCain called for more regulation.

"I'll try to find you some and bring them to you," she said.

Now, I'm a strong advocate of being honest and saying 'I don't know' when you don't know, rather than bullshit your way through something. At the same time, there's a level of competence that must be met for every job. And being caught flat-footed on facts in a second interview on a major network is a sign that something just ain't right with the McCain/Palin ticket.

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