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Epic Bail

Monday, Sept. 22, 2008 4:01 AM

It's called the Friday News Hole, and it's been the last resting place of many a story of import. It's that part of the week where most people are focused on their weekend, clearing off their desks, and ignoring stories that would otherwise draw sharp criticism and heated commentary.

So the Bush Administration came together and hammered out an amazing bailout package that would Fix It All. It would keep more banks from collapsing, and keep our economy stable.

Except there's a rather big hole in that package. It's called accountability. The plan calls for nearly $1 trillion - which comes from the taxpayers - to be handed off to Secretary of the Treasury Paulson, to spend and distribute as he sees fit, with no oversight and immunity from prosecution.

Of course, we all know how well the fiscally responsible Bush Administration has done with trillions of dollars and no accountability.

Pay no mind to the 'we have to act fast' nonsense that is usually reserved for not-in-stores offers pitched on late-night television. And let's not even think about the fact that bail is posted for people who have been indicted and arraigned for criminal acts.

Of course, the Democrats are preparing their own bailout proposal, which needs to have teeth, rather than having Steny Hoyer open his pie hole and throw everything away in a compromise deal.

McCain owns eight houses and thirteen cars, but Obama is the elitist.

On the local front, Howard Street between 3rd and 4th is closed for most of the week to accomodate Oracle OpenWorld.

So how is it between Moscone North, South, and West that there's still not enough room for this trade show? And why is it that it only happens for Oracle's little soirees?

Methinks it's more an issue of Larry Ellison's ego than available space.

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