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Friday, Sept. 19, 2008 4:03 AM

Someone claiming to be the hacker who compromised Sarah Palin's Yahoo!Mail account said he did it with three pieces of information: her birthdate, her zip code, and guessing the answer to her security question.

Your national security credentials are what, again? Proximity to Russia? Crude oil leaking out of your ears?

When Barack Obama goes abroad to meet with international leaders, it's called presumptuous.

When Sarah Palin cancels campaign stops in California to instead go to New York and meet with international leaders at the U.N., it's perfectly okay.

In an interview with a Spanish media outlet, John McCain seemed to be hedging as to whether he would meet with Spain's Prime Minister Zapatero.

McCain's repeated answer was that he would meet with leaders who are friendly, and stand against those who aren't.

McCain's Minister of War, Randy Scheunemann, insists that McCain meant exactly what he said. So we're egging NATO to accept the Republic of Georgia so we can provoke Russia into a war, but we're busy insulting the integrity and friendship of a major NATO ally.

So President Bush comes out of the woodwork yesterday morning to mumble something about staying home and consulting with his economic advisors, then disappears without taking any questions. He does his usual job of not standing up straight, sporting facial expressions that look as if he's seriously challenged by the subject, and stutters and slurs his words.

This is supposed to reassure us?

(Bush is supposed to hold a news conference on the economy later this morning.)

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