The Ministry of Shadows

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Hackers & Flames

Thursday, Sept. 18, 2008 3:58 AM

It appears that Anonymous has hacked Alaska Governor Sarah Palin's e-mail account and posted some of the contents on the web. The target was made easier by the fact that Palin was using Yahoo!Mail.

The account(s) were promptly deleted, also raising some questions as to possible destruction of evidence.

And those damn hackers could be terrorists! A Pentagon researcher is warning that MMORPG's like the popular World of Warcraft could be used to plan terrorist attacks.

Never mind that the cited example is entirely made up and includes both non-existent items and terms from EverQuest. OMFG! They might be talking in code!

I mean, come on, even the GOP was smart enough to use a separate e-mail server for the 'lost' e-mails.

And in yesterday's press briefing, White House Spokeschippie Dana Perino refused to even go near the phrase, 'the fundamentals of our economy are strong,' because it would get spun and used in politics.

Thus, the White House, instead of avoiding throwing wood on the McCain = Bush bonfire, pretty much poured some kerosene on it and chucked a match.

Yemeni officials quickly rounded up over two dozen suspects in this week's bombing at the U.S. Embassy.

Would it be too much to ask, if these schlubs are in custody, to make sure they don't dig their way out of a maximum security cell in the basement of your State Security building and escape through a nearby mosque?

We'd like that. Really, we would.

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