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Math Is Commutative!

Wednesday, Sept. 10, 2008 3:59 AM

It's high time that the media and the American public figure out that math is commutative. Withdrawing 8,000 troops from Iraq is no more about 'bringing the troops home' than jacking up a price 20% and slashing it 15% is 'saving you money.'

The White House and the Pentagon have been playing games with numbers from the start of their fiasco in Fallujah, and all the slogans in the world won't change that.

Let's call Sarah Palin's First Television Interview - slated to be with ABC's Charlie Gibson tomorrow and Friday - what it is: a cheap political stunt that will capitalize on 9/11 and Palin's son deploying with the National Guard.

I will be extremely surprised if Gibson goes anywhere near Palin's remarks at her 'former' church - which are a damned sight more disturbing than Barack Obama being in the audience while Rev. Jeremiah Wright complains about America - or brings up the collection of half-truths and outright lies that constituted Palin's acceptance speech (and which have been the basis of all of her speeches since then).

The last of the tree-sitting protesters on the U.C. Berkeley campus have come down from their perch, after the university assembled a scaffold around the last remaining tree and set to dismantling their little nest around the protesters' ears.

Those who wish to denounce the police for brutality and/or being part of a police state mentality should bear in mind that the protesters are guilty of trespassing, assault, and - if you really want to go for the gold - terrorism.

In a real police state, you wouldn't be getting food and drink on the university's dime, and you damned well wouldn't be holding a courageous last stand after reneging on your agreement with officials.

Try giving respect if you want to get some in return, instead of looking like a bunch of unwashed, drugged-out losers. (Besides, just how do people manage to live in trees for close to two years without having to work?)

Oh, by the way, America - isn't it curious how the Bush Administration, the stewards of disatrous economic, domestic, foreign, and national security policy, keep shedding advisors who wind up in the media as 'analysts'?

Isn't that like trusting a convicted child molester to babysit your kids?

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