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What Has It Gots In Its Pocketses?

Wednesday, Sept. 03, 2008 3:44 AM

Not only does Sarah Palin not know what the Vice President does, she also thinks the Founding Fathers wrote the Pledge of Allegiance, and that the original includes the words, 'under God.'

Except the original was written in 1892 by a Baptist minister, and the words, 'under God,' weren't added until 1954.

Palin also thinks a stopover for refueling at Shannon International Airport constitutes 'a trip to Ireland.'

Of course, McCain thinks Iraq and Pakistan share a common border.

From the Secret Documents In My Pants Department comes word that former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has joined the club alongside Sandy Berger, after a Justice Department report cited Gonzales' mishandling of classified documents, including taking them home.

More shocking and/or laughable is the response that there's no proof Gonzales' haphazard handling of classified documents resulted in any leaks. We've constantly been told that even the smallest bit of data could give away our methods and critical intelligence to our enemies, yet it's okay for Gonzales to leave stuff lying about in his briefcase, or in a safe accessible by staff members without the proper security clearances.

Highlights of the GOP Convention ...

Shorter George W. Bush (via satellite): The angry left is the same as the VietCong.

Shorter Fred Thompson: Shucks, did you know John McCain was a POW?

Shorter Joe Lieberman: I, too, am a maverick, and you should vote for John McCain because I alone see the truth.

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