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Men Without Hats?

Tuesday, Sept. 02, 2008 3:51 AM

John McCain made an awkward statement to explain the abbreviated proceedings at the Republican National Convention, saying, "... as we take off our Republican hats, and put on our American hats."

Meaning you're not Americans first, and Republicans second? Or that being American is somehow an inconvenience that interrupts or interferes with your being Republican?

Fire your writers, John.

A Boot to the Head for the blogosphere, who sings the 'We Hate The Mainstream Media' tune just as much as any commentator on FOX News, but then goes dumpster diving after rumors that Sarah Palin's 4 month-old baby was actually her daughter's.

And while the rumor was quickly laid to rest, it was revealed that Bristol Palin is, in fact, five months pregnant. She has, according to an official release from the McCain Campaign, chosen to keep the baby and will be marrying the father.

None of which explains why a nice Christian girl is having premarital sex (it's legal - the age of consent in Alaska is 16 years of age) and not practicing 'abstinence only.'

Now, I agree with both candidates that Bristol's pregnancy is not a campaign issue. It nonetheless is of interest to voters when the inevitable issue of character and faith comes up.

A more disturbing footnote to the nation's political discourse are the stories - which came out of Denver as well as Minneapolis - that police are conducting heavy-handed sweeps and roundups of protesters.

Because we're so afraid of terrorists that we're selling short our political discourse. It's an easy step to take, given how that discourse has become, by and large, the tree-sitting crowd vs. the establishment, or a case of who shouts loudest.

But it's like paving over your front lawn because a dandelion popped up.

Voiceover king Don LaFontaine has passed away at age 68.

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