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Hillary's Not Done

Friday, Aug. 15, 2008 3:57 AM

Remember, our current Secretary of State is an expert on Russia.

But for some reason, we're reduced to making empty threats and whining about how this could set back Russia-U.S. relations.

And it seems as if Georgian President Mikhail Shaakasvili is already voicing his displeasure of the U.S. proposal.

And, in the meantime, President Bush is off to vacation in Crawford, Texas.

I guess hobnobbing with Olympic athletes was just too tiring for him.

From the Told You So Department: Hillary Clinton is 'reluctantly' accepting an 'agreement' to have her name placed in nomination at the Democratic National Convention, so as to 'respect the voices of her supporters.'

So all the talk of 'this will be resolved in the next few weeks/May/June/before the convention' was complete and total horseshit, and there's now a serious chance the Democrats will end up with a brokered convention and lose the general election to the Republicans, who seem to have a better grasp of the concept of party unity.

There's a little tarnish on the glow of the 'Happiest Place on Earth,' as union workers, some dressed as Disney characters, staged a protest outside the main gates to Disneyland that shut down portions of the park for nearly an hour on Thursday.

At issue are wages and healthcare. And while I'm a union member myself, I have to wonder if these guys thought this through - imagine a family travelling from out of state. They get to Disneyland, and little Tommy has to wait because there's a protest outside the gates - do you think they'll be sympathetic to your cause?

I'd have chosen to do an informational picket (hand out flyers) rather than dress up in knock-off costumes as a stunt.

Singer/songwriter Jackson Browne has filed a lawsuit that names the McCain Campaign as a party to infringement on the rights to his song, 'Running On Empty,' which was used in an ad by the Ohio Republican Party.

Of course, the McCain Campaign is saying they weren't involved, and Senator McCain's name should be removed from the suit.

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