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Pundits Wrong Again

Thursday, Aug. 07, 2008 3:52 AM

Wednesday came and went, and pundits' predictions that This Would Be The Day that Obama named Sen. Evan Bayh (D-Indiana) as his running mate amounted to nothing, as usual.

A pro-Tibet protester who scaled the wall of the Chinese consulate to suspend herself in a mock hanging fell nearly fifteen feet to a balcony below, fracturing her wrist and a bone in her forearm.

Another protester who was on the roof assisting her colleague claimed that the Chinese had cut her rope. Police are investigating this claim, while the Chinese government is reminding everyone that the consulate is their sovereign territory.

Which may be true, but why add to the negative press on China's human rights shortcomings as the Summer Olympics get ready to kick off tomorrow?

On the other end, the group's attorney has an opinion about the rope definitely being cut, not frayed, when I would have thought the rope would be confiscated as part of a potential crime scene. Also, as is common to protester-filmed video, we see everything but the moment where the woman fell. (Such as, no signs of evil Chinese government types wielding knives.) And, lastly, if there was a protester on the roof, was she detained by Chinese authorities or security personnel while they cut the rope?

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