The Ministry of Shadows

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Not A Swingin' Time?

Tuesday, Jul. 08, 2008 3:49 AM

The movie Swing Vote, starring Kevin Costner, is starting its media push. Costner plays an 'average Joe,' who through some quirk of computerized voting, becomes the man whose single vote will decide the presidential election.

That's right. Our election process - including the vulnerability of electronic voting systems - has become the punchline of a joke.

Nothing says 'schmuck' like video of George W. Bush sitting at the table with other G-8 leaders. As the other leaders converse amongst themselves, Bush is sitting there bobbing his head and scratching his chest, looking perplexed.

Come to think of it, several G-8 leaders probably want nothing to do with Mr. Bush. Germany's Angela Merkel is probably still wincing from Bush's 'backrub'; Britain's Gordon Brown is likely wary of being too closely linked to Bush as predecessor Tony Blair was; and France's Nicholas Sarkozy is probably too cool to be seen with such a putz. (And all three are seated on the other side of the table from Bush.)

Here in the Bay Area, convicted murderer Hans Reiser, after months of claiming his innocence and a defense that suggested his wife fled the country, led authorities to the site where he buried Nina Reiser.

There's a certain irony in the fact that our company has planned a barbecue lunch for Wednesday - right in the middle of a major heat wave and a probable Spare the Air Day.

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