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Tim Russert, 1950-2008

Saturday, Jun. 14, 2008 11:46 AM

I was just leaving work (my day starts at 4AM for those of you who don't already know) when word of Tim Russert's death was beginning to circulate.

The circumstances that struck down Russert could (and do) happen to far too many people, and it's a tragedy.

The only criticism I offer is indirect; if those of us in the media dislike the barbs that have been flung at Russert in recent years, perhaps we need to reexamine our role and our standards.

Is it just me, or is Senator John McCain's criticism of the Supreme Court ruling on detainees' rights a little baffling for a guy who was, himself, a prisoner of war?

McCain remarked that the 5-4 decision was quite possibly one of the worst decisions ever made. (Following suit with Justice Scalia's ominous 'you'll rue the day you did this' comment.)

And no surprise that the Bush Administration's response to the ruling is, "Fuck you, we'll do what we want."

President Bush is asking Congress for a legislative end-run, and Attorney General Michael 'Crime? What Crime? I Don't See Any Crime!' Mukasey has said the ruling will not deter the government from proceeding with military trials.

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