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It's Not An Anagram

Friday, Jun. 13, 2008 3:50 AM

A Boot to the Head for Huffington Post's Jason Linkins, who writes that FOX News bloviator Bill O'Reilly has an autobiography in the works. Linkins points out that the title, 'A Bold, Fresh Piece of Humanity,' anagrams to 'Shameful Bold-Faced Hypocrite.'

Bzzzzt. Thanks for playing.

An anagram is the one-for-one rearrangement of letters in a given word or phrase to form another. In this case, the title of O'Reilly's book has only one L, D, and C; the anagram Linkins proposes (which he obtained through a website) has two, and only uses one of two I's.

OOPS!Linkins anagram is 'bona fide,' not 'bold faced,' and thus, the anagram is correct.

The Supreme Court ruled in a 5-4 decision that detainees at Guantanamo may challenge their detention in civilian courts. Justices Roberts, Scalia, Alito, and Thomas dissented.

Justice Kennedy, writing for the Court, affirmed that, "The laws and Constitution are designed to survive, and remain in force, in extraordinary times."

Yet it is clear that far too many people believe that these 'unlawful enemy combatants' swept off the battlefield are such a complex and overwhelming threat that our legal system must ignore fundamental rights and protections to cope with them.

After Katie Couric's commentary that the 'sexist media' cut short Senator Hillary Clinton's rise to glory, MSNBC's Keith Olbermann awarded the CBS News Anchor the gold medal in his nightly, 'Worst Person in the World' segment.

Now, apparently, there's a 'backlash' against Olbermann for calling out the inherent hypocrisy and silliness of Couric's comment.

And talks about a U.S.-Iraq security agreement are 'dead in the water' according to Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.

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